• How often should filters be replaced?
    •  It is recommended that your filters be changed every three months. However, households with pets should likely change filters more often, about every two months. Media filters should be changed every six to nine months. Changing filters regularly can help lead to cleaner air, and likely lower operating cost.
  • What should be the setting on the thermostat?
    • During the summer the thermostat can be set at 78 degrees. During the winter the thermostat can be set at 68 degrees.  This may vary based on the weather conditions and personal comfort level.
  • When should I have my HVAC system inspected?
    • At the beginning of warmer and cooler weather have the system serviced.
  • At the outdoor A/C unit, why is there ice on line?
    • The evaporator coil is iced over
  • Why is the evaporator coil iced over?
    • The following can be the fault:
      • Dirty filters
      • Dirty evaporator coil
      • Low refrigerant
      • Blower assembly malfunction